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Submit Your Work to MJF Creative

At MJF Creative, we are determined to publish all kinds of artists and writers, especially those with diverse backgrounds. We encourage Indigenous artists, racialized artists, LGBTQ+ artists, and artists with disabilities to submit their work. At MJF Creative, we are interested in breaking norms and seeing works that are experimental, whether photobooks, poetry, novels, chapbooks, etc. 

Visionary Magazine

If you are looking to submit to our seasonal magazine, Visionary Magazine, then look no further! This Canadian magazine is all about art and the local creatives behind each work. Click here to read the terms and conditions of the magazine.


Submissions are currently closed. Please check back in the fall for our third issue's criteria.

Submit Here

Looking to publish one of your first bodies of work? MJF Creative is the way to go!


For general submissions, please email your query to with the subject line, "Submission Query - [First Name] [Last Name] [Project Title]"


MJF Creative only accepts publishable lengthed works, meaning submissions must be a minimum of 50 pages. We ask that you include your full manuscript/project for us to review, as well as a literary CV and previous publications/relevant experience as necessary.


You may also want to include some background information about yourself and your project so we may get a better understanding of your work and the artist/writer behind it.


We will acknowledge your submission within one business week of your indicating email. Please allow up to 3-4 weeks for us to process your submission. We will email you back further steps if we decide to publish your work, or we will email you back letting you know that we will not be publishing you at the moment.


We appreciate your consideration to publish your work with MJF Creative and are looking forward to viewing your work!

General Submissions

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